Class eleven and twelve || Unit two: Art and Craft || Lesson 4 craft || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||Textbook page 48, 49 & 50 ||

Class eleven and twelve || Unit two: Art and Craft || Lesson 4 craft || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||Textbook page 48, 49 & 50 || 


Some of you who live outside Sonargaon, an Upazila in the district of Narayanganj, may have visited the ancient township with its Folk Arts and Crafts Museum, set up by the famous artist Zainul Abedin in 1970, and a number of old buildings which speak of a glorious past. But those who haven't had a chance to go there may still read about it and see images of its historical and cultural landmarks on the Internet. Sonargaon lies about 24 kilometers away from Dhaka and can be reached by bus or taxi and other forms of private transport. It attracts hundreds of visitors every day because of its antiquity and historical importance. Sonargaon was once the capital of the independent Sultanate of Bengal in the early 14th century. Even before that, it was the capital of Vanga under Raja Danauja Rai. Greek and Roman writers and travelers from abroad mentioned Sonargaon which was a prosperous trading post with a splendid river port. Ibn Battuta visited it in 1346 and was amazed by its splendor.

One of the historical landmarks of Sonargaon is the ancient city of Panam (also known as Painam) or Panam Nagar, which was developed to the south of the old city to provide residential quarters to the governors after the Moghuls conquered Sonargaon in 1611. But some historians believe the city's history ismuch older and that the Moghuls developed Panam Nagar and built highways and bridges to connect it with Sonargaon. Three such bridges still exist. There are also three artificial canals that were dug up for easy communication and protection of the city. Panam Nagar became a prosperous trading post under the British rule. The East India Company made it a centre of muslin trade. At the peak of the trade about 1400 families of weavers lived in and around the city.

If you visit Panam Nagar today, you will see old buildings lining both sides of a 600 meter road, ending at Panam Bazar. The brick buildings were built by Hindu traders in the early 19th to early 20th century. No one lives in these buildings now as the place is considered a heritage site

Here are some important words from the text with their meanings in Bangla, parts of speech, synonyms, and antonyms:

Word Meaning (Bangla) Part of Speech Synonym Antonym
Ancient প্রাচীন Adjective Old, Antique Modern, New
Township শহরাঞ্চল Noun Town, Municipality Countryside, Village
Folk লোকজ Adjective/Noun Traditional, Cultural Modern, Contemporary
Crafts হস্তশিল্প Noun Handicrafts, Artwork Mass production, Factory-made
Famous বিখ্যাত Adjective Renowned, Well-known Unknown, Obscure
Historical ঐতিহাসিক Adjective Ancient, Traditional Modern, Current
Cultural সাংস্কৃতিক Adjective Artistic, Traditional Uncultural, Unrefined
Landmarks দর্শনীয় স্থান Noun Monuments, Milestones Ordinary places, Nonentity
Antiquity প্রাচীনত্ব Noun Ancientness, Heritage Modernity, Freshness
Sultanate সালতানাত Noun Empire, Kingdom Colony
Prosperous সমৃদ্ধ Adjective Thriving, Wealthy Poor, Impoverished
Trading ব্যবসা Noun/Adjective Commerce, Dealing Bartering, Noncommercial
Port বন্দর Noun Harbor, Dock Hinterland, Inland
Splendor জাঁকজমক Noun Magnificence, Grandeur Simplicity, Plainness
Landmark চিহ্ন Noun Monument, Milestone Unimportant place, Forgettable
Residential আবাসিক Adjective Living, Inhabited Commercial, Non-residential
Conquer জয় করা Verb Defeat, Overcome Surrender, Lose
Prosperity সমৃদ্ধি Noun Wealth, Flourishing Poverty, Decline
Bridge সেতু Noun Overpass, Link Gap, Separation
Canal খাল Noun Channel, Waterway Land, Embankment
Communication যোগাযোগ Noun Interaction, Connection Isolation, Silence
Heritage ঐতিহ্য Noun Legacy, Tradition Innovation, Modernity
Visitor দর্শনার্থী Noun Guest, Tourist Host, Resident
Splendid চমৎকার Adjective Magnificent, Impressive Dull, Mediocre
Weavers তাঁতী Noun Loomer, Textile Maker Non-weaver
Highway মহাসড়ক Noun Road, Thoroughfare Alley, Path
Bazaar বাজার Noun Market, Marketplace Store, Supermarket
Monument স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ Noun Landmark, Memorial Ruins, Anonymity
Mention উল্লেখ করা Verb Refer, State Ignore, Omit
Independent স্বাধীন Adjective Autonomous, Free Dependent, Subjugated
Traveler পর্যটক Noun Explorer, Tourist Settler, Homebody
Prosper উন্নতি করা Verb Flourish, Thrive Decline, Fail
Capital রাজধানী Noun Metropolis, Center Outskirts, Rural area
Ancientness প্রাচীনত্ব Noun Antiquity, Oldness Newness, Modernity
Center কেন্দ্র Noun Hub, Core Periphery, Outskirts
Famous খ্যাতিমান Adjective Renowned, Celebrated Unknown, Anonymous
Prosperity সমৃদ্ধি Noun Abundance, Success Scarcity, Poverty
Observation পর্যবেক্ষণ Noun Examination, Study Neglect, Ignorance
Establish প্রতিষ্ঠা করা Verb Found, Set up Abolish, Disestablish

Line by line Bangla meaning 


Line 1:
Some of you who live outside Sonargaon, an Upazila in the district of Narayanganj, may have visited the ancient township with its Folk Arts and Crafts Museum, set up by the famous artist Zainul Abedin in 1970, and a number of old buildings which speak of a glorious past.
আপনাদের মধ্যে অনেকেই যারা নারায়ণগঞ্জ জেলার অন্তর্গত সোনারগাঁর বাইরে বাস করেন, তারা হয়তো এই প্রাচীন নগরীটি পরিদর্শন করেছেন যেখানে রয়েছে লোকশিল্প ও কারুশিল্প জাদুঘর, যা ১৯৭০ সালে বিখ্যাত শিল্পী জয়নুল আবেদিন প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছিলেন, এবং বেশ কিছু প্রাচীন স্থাপনা, যা এক গৌরবময় অতীতের কথা বলে।

Line 2:
But those who haven't had a chance to go there may still read about it and see images of its historical and cultural landmarks on the Internet.
কিন্তু যারা সেখানে যাওয়ার সুযোগ পাননি, তারা ইন্টারনেটে এর ঐতিহাসিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক নিদর্শন সম্পর্কে পড়তে পারেন এবং ছবি দেখতে পারেন।

Line 3:
Sonargaon lies about 24 kilometers away from Dhaka and can be reached by bus or taxi and other forms of private transport.
সোনারগাঁ ঢাকা থেকে প্রায় ২৪ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত এবং বাস, ট্যাক্সি বা অন্যান্য ব্যক্তিগত পরিবহনের মাধ্যমে সেখানে পৌঁছানো যায়।

Line 4:
It attracts hundreds of visitors every day because of its antiquity and historical importance.
এর প্রাচীনত্ব এবং ঐতিহাসিক গুরুত্বের কারণে এটি প্রতিদিন শত শত দর্শনার্থীকে আকর্ষণ করে।

Line 5:
Sonargaon was once the capital of the independent Sultanate of Bengal in the early 14th century.
সোনারগাঁ এক সময় ১৪ শতকের প্রথম দিকে স্বাধীন বাংলার সুলতানির রাজধানী ছিল।

Line 6:
Even before that, it was the capital of Vanga under Raja Danauja Rai.
তারও আগে এটি রাজা দনুজ রায়ের অধীনে বঙ্গের রাজধানী ছিল।

Line 7:
Greek and Roman writers and travelers from abroad mentioned Sonargaon which was a prosperous trading post with a splendid river port.
গ্রিক ও রোমান লেখক এবং বিদেশি পর্যটকেরা সোনারগাঁর কথা উল্লেখ করেছেন, যা একটি সমৃদ্ধ বাণিজ্য কেন্দ্র এবং একটি চমৎকার নদী বন্দর ছিল।

Line 8:
Ibn Battuta visited it in 1346 and was amazed by its splendor.
ইবনে বতুতা ১৩৪৬ সালে এটি পরিদর্শন করেন এবং এর জাঁকজমক দেখে মুগ্ধ হন।

Panam Nagar

Line 9:
One of the historical landmarks of Sonargaon is the ancient city of Panam (also known as Painam) or Panam Nagar, which was developed to the south of the old city to provide residential quarters to the governors after the Moghuls conquered Sonargaon in 1611.
সোনারগাঁর অন্যতম ঐতিহাসিক নিদর্শন হল প্রাচীন নগরী পানাম (যা পাইনাম নামেও পরিচিত) বা পানাম নগর, যা ১৬১১ সালে মোগলরা সোনারগাঁ দখল করার পর গভর্নরদের আবাসিক এলাকা হিসেবে পুরনো শহরের দক্ষিণে গড়ে তোলা হয়েছিল।

Line 10:
But some historians believe the city's history is much older and that the Moghuls developed Panam Nagar and built highways and bridges to connect it with Sonargaon.
কিন্তু কিছু ইতিহাসবিদ মনে করেন শহরটির ইতিহাস আরও অনেক পুরনো এবং মোগলরা পানাম নগর গড়ে তোলে এবং এটি সোনারগাঁর সাথে সংযুক্ত করার জন্য সড়ক ও সেতু নির্মাণ করে।

Line 11:
Three such bridges still exist.
এমন তিনটি সেতু এখনও বিদ্যমান।

Line 12:
There are also three artificial canals that were dug up for easy communication and protection of the city.
শহরের সহজ যোগাযোগ এবং সুরক্ষার জন্য তিনটি কৃত্রিম খালও খনন করা হয়েছিল।

Line 13:
Panam Nagar became a prosperous trading post under the British rule.
পানাম নগর ব্রিটিশ শাসনের অধীনে একটি সমৃদ্ধ বাণিজ্যকেন্দ্র হয়ে ওঠে।

Line 14:
The East India Company made it a centre of muslin trade.
ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানি এটিকে মসলিন বাণিজ্যের কেন্দ্রস্থল করে তোলে।

Line 15:
At the peak of the trade about 1400 families of weavers lived in and around the city.
বাণিজ্যের শীর্ষ সময়ে প্রায় ১৪০০ পরিবারের তাঁতি এই শহরে এবং আশপাশে বাস করতেন।

Current State of Panam Nagar

Line 16:
If you visit Panam Nagar today, you will see old buildings lining both sides of a 600 meter road, ending at Panam Bazar.
আজ আপনি যদি পানাম নগর ভ্রমণ করেন, তবে দেখতে পাবেন একটি ৬০০ মিটার দীর্ঘ সড়কের দুই পাশে সারিবদ্ধ পুরনো ভবন, যা পানাম বাজারে শেষ হয়েছে।

Line 17:
The brick buildings were built by Hindu traders in the early 19th to early 20th century.
এই ইটের ভবনগুলো ১৯ শতকের শুরু থেকে ২০ শতকের শুরু পর্যন্ত হিন্দু ব্যবসায়ীরা নির্মাণ করেছিলেন।

Line 18:
No one lives in these buildings now as the place is considered a heritage site.
এখন এই ভবনগুলোতে কেউ বসবাস করে না, কারণ এটি একটি ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থান হিসেবে বিবেচিত।

Some important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Based on the Passage

  1. Where is Sonargaon located?
    a) Dhaka
    b) Narayanganj
    c) Chittagong
    d) Sylhet
    Answer: b) Narayanganj

  2. What is Sonargaon famous for?
    a) Its modern architecture
    b) Its ancient township and crafts
    c) Its natural beauty
    d) Its modern industries
    Answer: b) Its ancient township and crafts

  3. Who set up the Folk Arts and Crafts Museum in Sonargaon?
    a) Zainul Abedin
    b) Raja Danauja Rai
    c) Ibn Battuta
    d) The Moghuls
    Answer: a) Zainul Abedin

  4. When was the Folk Arts and Crafts Museum established?
    a) 1960
    b) 1970
    c) 1980
    d) 1990
    Answer: b) 1970

  5. What was Sonargaon’s role in the early 14th century?
    a) A fishing village
    b) The capital of the Sultanate of Bengal
    c) A modern trading hub
    d) A tourist destination
    Answer: b) The capital of the Sultanate of Bengal

  6. Who ruled Sonargaon before it became the capital of the Sultanate of Bengal?
    a) Raja Danauja Rai
    b) Zainul Abedin
    c) The British
    d) The Moghuls
    Answer: a) Raja Danauja Rai

  7. Who mentioned Sonargaon in their writings?
    a) Zainul Abedin
    b) Ibn Battuta
    c) Greek and Roman writers
    d) Both b and c
    Answer: d) Both b and c

  8. What amazed Ibn Battuta when he visited Sonargaon in 1346?
    a) Its temples
    b) Its splendor
    c) Its natural scenery
    d) Its markets
    Answer: b) Its splendor

  9. What was Panam Nagar primarily developed for?
    a) A marketplace
    b) Residential quarters for governors
    c) A fort
    d) A university
    Answer: b) Residential quarters for governors

  10. When did the Moghuls conquer Sonargaon?
    a) 1346
    b) 1611
    c) 1700
    d) 1970
    Answer: b) 1611

  1. Under which rule did Panam Nagar become a prosperous trading post?
    a) The Moghuls
    b) The British
    c) The Greeks
    d) The Romans
    Answer: b) The British

  2. What was Panam Nagar known for during British rule?
    a) Muslin trade
    b) Jute production
    c) River trade
    d) Metalwork
    Answer: a) Muslin trade

  3. How many families of weavers lived around Panam Nagar during the peak of the muslin trade?
    a) 400
    b) 800
    c) 1400
    d) 2000
    Answer: c) 1400

  4. What connected Panam Nagar to Sonargaon during the Moghul period?
    a) Rivers
    b) Highways and bridges
    c) Air routes
    d) Train tracks
    Answer: b) Highways and bridges

  5. How many bridges built during the Moghul period still exist today?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
    Answer: c) 3

  6. What purpose did the artificial canals in Panam Nagar serve?
    a) Trade routes
    b) Irrigation
    c) Communication and protection
    d) Recreation
    Answer: c) Communication and protection

  7. Who built the buildings in Panam Nagar during the 19th to early 20th century?
    a) Hindu traders
    b) The Moghuls
    c) British officials
    d) Raja Danauja Rai
    Answer: a) Hindu traders

  8. What is the current status of the buildings in Panam Nagar?
    a) Residential houses
    b) Heritage site
    c) Hotels
    d) Schools
    Answer: b) Heritage site

  1. What type of museum is located in Sonargaon?
    a) Natural History Museum
    b) Folk Arts and Crafts Museum
    c) Science Museum
    d) Historical Museum
    Answer: b) Folk Arts and Crafts Museum

  2. What was muslin primarily known for?
    a) Durability
    b) Fineness and quality
    c) Colorful patterns
    d) Heavy weight
    Answer: b) Fineness and quality

  3. Which trading company made Panam Nagar a center of muslin trade?
    a) Dutch East India Company
    b) East India Company
    c) French Trading Company
    d) Portuguese Traders
    Answer: b) East India Company

  4. What is unique about muslin fabric?
    a) Its heavy texture
    b) Its transparency and softness
    c) Its colorful embroidery
    d) Its modern design
    Answer: b) Its transparency and softness

  1. What is the synonym of "splendor" as used in the text?
    a) Magnificence
    b) Darkness
    c) Simplicity
    d) Poverty
    Answer: a) Magnificence

  2. What is the antonym of "ancient" as used in the text?
    a) Modern
    b) Historic
    c) Antique
    d) Old
    Answer: a) Modern

  3. What is the synonym of "prosperous"?
    a) Thriving
    b) Poor
    c) Weak
    d) Failing
    Answer: a) Thriving

  4. What is the antonym of "artificial"?
    a) Fake
    b) Natural
    c) Manufactured
    d) Synthetic
    Answer: b) Natural

  5. What does "antiquity" mean as used in the passage?
    a) Ancient times
    b) Modernity
    c) Poverty
    d) Luxury
    Answer: a) Ancient times

  6. What is the synonym of "glorious"?
    a) Noble
    b) Poor
    c) Ordinary
    d) Miserable
    Answer: a) Noble

  1. What does "heritage" mean in the context of the passage?
    a) Inheritance from the past
    b) Modern development
    c) Destroyed property
    d) Family wealth
    Answer: a) Inheritance from the past

  2. What does "quarter" mean in "residential quarters"?
    a) Fourth part
    b) Living area
    c) Small coin
    d) Office
    Answer: b) Living area

  3. What does "connect" mean in "highways and bridges connect it"?
    a) Break
    b) Link
    c) Separate
    d) Complicate
    Answer: b) Link

  1. How long is the road lined with buildings in Panam Nagar?
    a) 400 meters
    b) 600 meters
    c) 800 meters
    d) 1 kilometer
    Answer: b) 600 meters

  2. Which district is Sonargaon a part of?
    a) Dhaka
    b) Narayanganj
    c) Gazipur
    d) Mymensingh
    Answer: b) Narayanganj

  3. How can Sonargaon be reached from Dhaka?
    a) By train only
    b) By bus or taxi
    c) By plane
    d) By boat only
    Answer: b) By bus or taxi

  4. What does "landmark" refer to in the text?
    a) A notable feature or building
    b) A market
    c) A highway
    d) A government office
    Answer: a) A notable feature or building

  5. What does the text say about the buildings of Panam Nagar?
    a) They are modern structures
    b) They are brick buildings
    c) They are wooden huts
    d) They are under reconstruction
    Answer: b) They are brick buildings

  6. What does "mention" mean in "writers mentioned Sonargaon"?
    a) Ignore
    b) Refer to
    c) Oppose
    d) Avoid
    Answer: b) Refer to

  7. What does "developed" mean in "Panam Nagar was developed"?
    a) Constructed or improved
    b) Destroyed
    c) Discovered
    d) Hidden
    Answer: a) Constructed or improved

  8. What does "amazement" mean as used in the text?
    a) Surprise and wonder
    b) Fear
    c) Anger
    d) Sadness
    Answer: a) Surprise and wonder

  9. What does "famous" mean in "famous artist Zainul Abedin"?
    a) Popular and well-known
    b) Unknown
    c) Ordinary
    d) Unnoticed
    Answer: a) Popular and well-known

  10. What is the opposite of "prosperous"?
    a) Wealthy
    b) Poor
    c) Thriving
    d) Strong
    Answer: b) Poor

  11. What does "independent" mean in "independent Sultanate of Bengal"?
    a) Free from external control
    b) Controlled by others
    c) Weak
    d) Isolated
    Answer: a) Free from external control

  12. What does "mention" mean in the context of "Greek writers mentioned Sonargaon"?
    a) Refer to
    b) Forget about
    c) Criticize
    d) Avoid
    Answer: a) Refer to

  13. What does "splendor" refer to in the text?
    a) Magnificent appearance
    b) Poverty
    c) Simplicity
    d) Damage
    Answer: a) Magnificent appearance

  14. What does "capital" mean in "capital of the Sultanate of Bengal"?
    a) Main city
    b) Financial wealth
    c) Uppercase letter
    d) Small village
    Answer: a) Main city

Short Questions and Answers:

  1. What is Sonargaon known for?
    Sonargaon is known for its historical importance and as the location of the Folk Arts and Crafts Museum. It also houses ancient buildings and landmarks that reflect its rich cultural heritage.

  2. Who established the Folk Arts and Crafts Museum in Sonargaon, and when?
    The Folk Arts and Crafts Museum was established by the famous artist Zainul Abedin in 1970. It showcases the region's traditional arts and crafts.

  3. What made Sonargaon historically significant in the 14th century?
    Sonargaon was the capital of the independent Sultanate of Bengal in the early 14th century. It was also mentioned by Greek and Roman writers as a prosperous trading post.

  4. What was Panam Nagar, and why was it important?
    Panam Nagar was a residential area developed for governors after the Moghuls conquered Sonargaon. It became a significant trading post under British rule, especially for muslin trade.

  5. What role did the East India Company play in Panam Nagar?
    The East India Company made Panam Nagar a center for muslin trade. During its peak, about 1,400 weaver families lived in and around the city.

  6. What kind of structures can be seen in Panam Nagar today?
    Visitors can see old brick buildings lining both sides of a 600-meter road ending at Panam Bazar. These buildings were built by Hindu traders in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

  7. Why is Panam Nagar considered a heritage site today?
    Panam Nagar is considered a heritage site because of its historical significance and old architecture. It is preserved for its cultural and historical value, and no one lives there now.

  8. What were the three artificial canals in Panam Nagar used for?
    The three artificial canals were dug for easy communication and to protect the city. They played a vital role in connecting the area and enhancing its defense.

  9. Who was Ibn Battuta, and what did he say about Sonargaon?
    Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan traveler who visited Sonargaon in 1346. He was amazed by its splendor and prosperity.

  10. What are some of the crafts highlighted in the museum in Sonargaon?
    The museum in Sonargaon highlights folk arts and crafts such as traditional weaving, pottery, and other artisanal works. These crafts reflect the rich heritage of the region.

  11. What is the synonym of ‘prosperous’ as used in the passage?
    A synonym for ‘prosperous’ is wealthy. In the context, it refers to the thriving trade and economy of Sonargaon.

  12. What is the antonym of ‘antiquity’ as mentioned in the text?
    The antonym of ‘antiquity’ is modernity. While ‘antiquity’ refers to ancient times, ‘modernity’ signifies the present or contemporary era.

  13. What does the word ‘splendor’ mean in the context of the passage?
    In the context, ‘splendor’ means magnificent beauty or grandeur. It describes the impressive appearance of Sonargaon.

  14. What does the term ‘heritage site’ imply about Panam Nagar?
    The term ‘heritage site’ implies that Panam Nagar is preserved due to its historical and cultural importance. It represents a legacy that needs to be protected.

  15. Why is Sonargaon a popular tourist destination today?
    Sonargaon attracts hundreds of visitors daily because of its historical landmarks, cultural heritage, and the Folk Arts and Crafts Museum. Its ancient charm and historical significance make it a popular destination.

Summary of the passage 

Sonargaon: A Glimpse into Bangladesh's Rich History

Sonargaon, located 24 kilometers from Dhaka, is a historical town known for its cultural significance. Once the capital of Bengal's Sultanate in the 14th century, it attracted visitors like Ibn Battuta. The Folk Arts and Crafts Museum, established by artist Zainul Abedin in 1970, is a key attraction. Panam Nagar, a notable historical site in Sonargaon, was developed in the 17th century by the Moghuls. It flourished under British rule as a muslin trading center. The town is now a heritage site, with old buildings and canals that reflect its glorious past, though no one lives there today.

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